27 June 2022
Restart PolyStyreneLoop door Duits EPS-consortium
A consortium of German companies has bought the Dutch factory PS Loop, which was declared bankrupt in March this year. The consortium is supported by, among others, the EPS raw material supplier BEWI Group, the holding company of a.o. Synprodo BV and IsoBouw Systems B.V.. The state-of-the-art PS-Loop facility in Terneuzen is expected to recycle 3,300 tonnes of waste per year once it is fully operational again.
Through an innovative chemical process, EPS material is dissolved and purified. Then it is converted into the granulated recyclate without loss of material quality. The HBCD flame retardant found in older EPS plates is safely removed and destroyed during this process, while the valuable bromine component is recovered. BEWI supports this industry initiative in implementing the recycling targets for plastics as part of the EU's circular economy strategy.